The Quarry Project ECHOES Update

Geese and Paintings by Marcy Kass

Snapshots by Marcy Kass and Andreas John

After many car loads and three truckloads since May 1, this past Monday we began to create the installation in the Kent's Corner State Historic Site in Calais, VT. It was thrilling and emotional to see it begin to come together.
DAY ONE:  Marcy, Nicole, Andreas and myself in the BOAT room

Photograph by Andreas John

DAY TWO: Marcy, Damien, Andreas and myself in the Ballroom

Paintings by Michael Kovner

Painting by Leslie Anderson / Block puzzles by Marcy Kass

DAY THREE: Andreas and myself in the TABLE room

Photograph by Andreas John

I went home shortly after that, not getting any traction working by myself.

DAY FOUR: Today I join Andreas, Bill Boedecker and Henry John to help with the installation of the HOUSE outside sculpture. When they don’t need me, I will be painting the parts and pieces of smaller houses.
Please distribute this information and these photos far and wide. We are excited to share the progress of this exhibit-in-the-making with as many people as possible.
You can go here to find out more information about The Quarry Project ECHOES and make a donation here if you are so moved.
