Support The Quarry Project Echoes

Donors are an essential part of the creative process as grants for this kind of work are almost non-existent. Your generosity will support the creation of and materials for the installation of Echoes at the Kents Corner State Historic Site. Practically all of the components of the installation - the setting - are not for sale, but will create the environment in which pieces of art, made specifically for The Quarry Project Echoes, will be for sale. All proceeds from the sale of a painting, photograph or sculpture will go directly to the artist.

Cradle to Grave Arts, Inc is a 501c3 non-profit and the fiscal sponsor of this installation. If you prefer to mail a check, make it out to Cradle to Grave Arts, Inc. and mail to PO Box 23, Chelsea VT 05038. 

If you prefer to gift stock, contact Northfield lnvestment Services at 802-476-2444


Volunteers Needed

We’re still in need of three volunteers to help with the closing reception on June 30th, 3 - 6 pm, that is the culmination of The Quarry Project Echoes at the Kents Corner State Historic Site.

We also need helping hands with each day of our load out week, July 1 - 7.

If you’re available to assist with either the closing reception or at any point during the load out week, please fill out the form below and we’ll follow up.

Banner photo: Julia Barstow