Photo: Julia Barstow
The Quarry Project Update
May 25, 2018
Three big pieces of news that have given all of us affirmation and energy:
A major donor has come forward with significant support for each year of the process.
The Vermont Arts Council has offered me a $5000 award (based on my history and The Quarry Project) for the work I do in Placemaking. Gratitude to the arts council board and Karen Mittelman, new executive director.
The Quarry Project and I are a finalist for the National Dance Project which supports development and touring of new work. 150 applicants across the country. 37 finalists. I am the only dance artist from rural New England and the only one with a site piece. Final application due June 1st. Will hear at the end of the summer if The Quarry Project is one of 20 selected. Cross fingers and toes.
On May 4th, the CEO of Polycor and I stood at the water’s edge of the Wells Lamson where I spoke in more depth about the vision I have for the performance. It was his first time at the quarry and he concurred with my feelings of awe and inspiration for it as a setting for dance.
Our May Community Information Gatherings have been low-key and sweet. I love getting to know those who live with the quarry in their back yards, hearing their stories. It is such an important part to my process.
In early June, Amy LePage and I go into a three-day choreographic retreat to begin making the movement vocabulary. We are excited to get going after having several conversations and sharing of inspirational images and writings.
Our kickoff fundraiser houseparty is being held in Burlington. I am grateful for Pat & Lisa and Sarah J’s support and belief in the worth of the arts in our lives. Their generosity means so very much. Thank you for standing with me on this project.
Here is the next film snippet from August 2017 by Micheal Fisher.